Organic Thyme

Conocida también como Common thyme

Woody-stemmed aromatic herb with very small, lanceolated, greyish green leaves

Originario: Mediterranean
Especie: Thymus vulgaris
Mantener: 4ºC – 8ºC
Aroma/sabor: Bitter camphorated
Ideal con: Aubergines, Game Meat, Eggs and Soups
Popular en platos como: Thyme Liqueur
Propiedades: Digestives and expectorants
Como usarlo: Chop or strip leaves, add to taste, at theend of cooking for a more intense flavour or at the beginning if a milder flavour is preferred.

Usos culinarios

CarnesCocktailsGuisosSopas y cremas

Calendario de producción

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